a Play

Life is like a play
Our story was just a scene of millions other scenes
We have a scenario written
And a great Director whom should be obeyed

Each person plays different role in life, just like a play


All night long, I was wondering

Why did you come into my life
And then easily walked away

Easily caught my heart
Ruined my dreams
Persuaded me to taste a poison what people called LOVE
And then left me dying

Didn't realize what you gave to me
Either a beautiful image or a beautiful lie
Didn't know whether you are an angel or an evil
It wasn't bothered me somehow
Cause I believed in you

But one more time, you proved me that I was wrong
I know nothing
I felt something that I believed as true
But it was a big lie
You left me at last
Kept me trying to heal the pain on my own

But supposed,
I should thank to you for the immune I owed


Love is like a game
You played it so beautifully
I could hardly believe it was a fake
I'm the only foolish here
It's like a big joke for you, huh?

Now let me laughed for my stupidity
Let me fooled myself with some beautiful silly hopes
Amused myself with so many thoughts of you
And finally picked up my broken string
Bunched it as one-cracked-heart

Oh, well done
You are a real player
Standing applause *plok plok plok

But wait, time's up
The show is over


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