Tumblr: Tolerance IMHO

Corresponding to the last post, I am not saying that every religion is right. NO! Tolerance does not go that far. Sure, a person would say that his/her belief is the right one. If not, why would (s)he bother to follow its teachings?Saying “all religions are true” is so diplomatic speech. Deep down, we know what we believe in and why.
And sure, as a Muslim, I would strongly say that Islam is the right one. That’s my ultimate truth. That’s for me. For you? You can decide it on your own and I respect that.
To me, the above paragraph shows tolerance in my humble opinion. Tolerance allows you to respect others’ view even when you are standing across their position. It enables you to come up and say your opinion fearlessly even when nobody agrees with you (and you do not force them to).
The ability to acknowledge the existing differences without violently impose our views on others [or vice versa], and eliminating the necessity to act as if we are the same [or similar by blurring the difference].
That is tolerance.
If you go further as gathering support, then it goes to politic sphere :p


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