Tumblr: Romantic is...

One of my favourite drama comedy is “How I Met Your Mother” (HIMYM). It’s smartly hilarious, offering a unique concept, having strong lead characters, and bunch of sweetness inside its silly plot. Why is it sweet? You should watch them! :P
Anyway, today I watched one of my favourite episode of this my favourite comedy. It’s where Ted Mosby tried to date that charming dentist with one daughter. The girl repeatedly refused Ted’s invitations, till at last she said that she only got 2 minutes for lunch. And you know what?
Ted put A LOT OF efforts to date her within that 2 minutes!!! He came to her and said, “OK, 2 minutes is enough” –> well more or less lah ya. Cant remember the whole dialogue.
He had arranged the whole thing from rented a personal taxi driver, prepared the lunch table (including complete meal courses and waitress to serve), chairs for them to watch cinema (it’s actually a TV display from TV shop nearby), a bucket of flowers (though she turned out to be allergic. Haha), and gifts to take back to the office. My friend even counted the time, and he said it’s exactly 2 minutes!
Maaannn, this screen writer is super genius and romantic!!
I love that Ted put so much effort to take her out. Normally, a guy would just turn to fish another girl when they got turned down like that. Given only 2 minutes for a date?? You’ve got to be kidding!!
As for Ted Mosby, it is different. He made it happen. Well, though it’s only a drama, I would still think it’s sweet. He pays attention to every little details, it shows how much he wants to get to know her. He noted that she allergic to flower and said, “See a new thing to learn from each other”. Even 2 minutes can  be more than enough ya ternyata.. Maybe the idea of having a chance (even with time limit) gives him hope.
In my personal opinion, romantic is when someone pays attention to our little habits and preferences like what we like or don’t like to eat, what’s our eating behaviour, our morning or before sleeping habit, etc. To me, that’s worth more than words or any spectacular gifts/actions someone can give. When he gives his attention, he gives a space in his mind. And that is the ultimate level of romantic one can ever do :)


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