Tumblr: Jodoh #1

Satu hal yang aku pelajari dari teman dan sahabat yang saat ini sudah berumahtangga. I know their story long before they decided to get marry. I may say, I knew a few of their problems that almost break them apart. But they made it anyway. That’s not because their couple are perfect and never make mistakes. It’s actually the other way around. They made mistakes and were forgiven. Forgive and move on. That’s the key.
My friends decided that these imperfect men were perfect for them.
I pray for their happiness, merciful, and blessed marriage.

I don’t know if it’s only me, but I usually will use a check lists. Once they satistified the first item, they pass onto the next one. Up until all the lists are checked. Guess what? That’s never happen. No one has ever made it to the last list. They must had been fallen out in the process.
Now, I feel like that kind of approach is a total joke. Because the journey is never been about finding the one who can fulfill them all. It’s a process of accepting his flaws and forgiving his mistakes instead. To learn and GROW from them together. All I need to see now is his potential to be a good Imam for me and my kids [disregard his past as well] in the way of Allah.
May Allah always leads us to the right path. Aamiin


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