Tumblr: Memory of 4th of July, 2012

I am not the type of person who enjoys crowd, party, nor spend money extravagantly. But, watching fireworks display on the US Independence Day was just exceptional.
I remember it was summer 2012 when I and my fellow USIPPers walked down to DC for Fourth of July celebration. There is a certain optimism in the air when the giant fireworks sparked and got closer to us. They touched us personally, somehow. I didn’t know if this was even possible (haha!). My eyes widened as my heart filled up with joy. I was there. We were there, people from all races, genders, and faiths. But, we still shared something in common: enjoying the same beauty and peace. Somehow, the display gave us hope amidst whatever difficult situation the people or the country were facing.
Aku masih inget banget. Macem orang Indonesia pada umumnya, ketika kita menyaksikan sesuatu yang asik di negara lain, we just can’t help but to compare it with what would had happened if we were in Indonesia. There must have been a widespread of protest against spending so much money on merely ‘fireworks display’. Kalau aku belum menyaksikan acara ini, I might be agree. We’d better feed the needy with that much of bucks. But then, when I experienced it myself, I changed my mind.
There are times that call for right celebrations. There are times when money constraint should be lift up (a bit and for a while ya) for greater impact. One may wonder, greater impact of what? Watching fireworks display can’t be that powerful, can it??
Well to me, it created HOPE. Optimism. And that is something WORTH to buy.


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