Tumblr: [Throwback] Hiroshima

April 4th, 2011.
The day I set foot in far away land for the very first time, Hiroshima, Japan.
This photo might be taken a day or two post-arrival. One of the most influential moment which impacted my life forever. I can never heal my addiction to travel in foreign lands, meet and interact with strangers who soon become friends, or crave for diversity. I can never thank enough to FEB UGM and Hiroshima University of Economics who gave me this lifetime opportunity.
The journey that has changed my view, opened up my eyes to the new big playground, and somehow broadened my horizon. In top of that, it’s always been a journey to find my true self.
Now, I may go through a series of changes that push me into a total unknown land. Those phase of life in which I cannot run yet. Thus, I haven’t figure out what it’s going to be. I can feel that this may not be a smooth familiar path that I’m taking. It’s a long winding road ahead, but I shall not be afraid.
I only need to keep on believing and making steps towards my goal. I have faith that soon I will be able to fly again.
My dreams, just wait there. I’ll get to you somehow.. I will make it! The question is only when.
See you on the other side!

Kubik kecilku, Jakarta, 4 April 2014


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