
Showing posts from 2018

Freedom: Rethink

It has been a long time since I really pay attention to watch shows or commercials on TV. Then I saw this one interesting broadband commercial. It is interesting since unlike any other silly commercial, it actually has a deep meaning which tickles our mind to rethink "what does it mean to be free? what is freedom?" Does it really mean an absolute "FREE" where no boundary nor limitations to our desire to do anything. Is it really (what freedom is)? It was also become an interesting issue to discuss in my previous program, USIPP. Through USIPP, I learned that unlimited freedom to individual rights would only cost us chaotic society. There's no such a thing as absolute freedom. Human is indeed in need of rules. Otherwise, we'll go back to centuries ago when the only rule was jungle rule (those who are strong/ powerful triumphed). Surely, this would be a huge step-back to human civilitation! (Only in more modern casing). Why the idea of absolute free...

Nyinyir atau Kasih Udzur?

Kemarin dan hari ini, aku dengar dua orang yang selama ini ku jadikan sumber referensi dibuka kesalahannya atau ada berita yang kurang enak tentang beliau2. Ada yang kejadiannya sudah lama, tapi somehow diperdengarkan lagi hari ini. Terus terang, aku gak ngerti. Karena terkadang orang2 yang terlibat pun sama2 tokoh yang ku anggap reliable. Di tengah kebingunganku, lagi2 Allah menuntunku untuk menemukan video yang dulu pernah sku share, yang intinya tentang cara memandang kesalahan/ kegagalan sebagai proses pembelajaran. Then something struck me. To live in a society where perfection is crazily pursued, our tolerance towards mistakes or failures is generally low. Padahal kita kan memang hanya manusia biasa ya? Pasti pernah salah dan gagal. Seringkali, ekspektasi kita sendiri yang terlalu tinggi terhadap sesuatu atau seseorang membuat kita meninggikan ia diatas yang seharusnya. We expect him to be mistake-free. Subhanallah. Maka ketika ia slips, rasanya hilang semua segala kebaikann...


Allah is indeed the Perfect Teacher. Have you ever experienced in time when you need to learn a particular quality (e.g. patience, trust, taqwa, etc) in order to deal with your current circumstances, Allah surrounded you with exactly what you need? Be it in the form of 'ilm (knowledge), people, events, or any other forms to remind/increase the quality fit for the job. Yap, it's "The QUALITY" that become a vocal point! the problem may not seems to disappear yet. It's our ATTITUDE towards the problem that is being taught. Here is (again) another video from Ust. Nouman discussing on "humility" in accepting & putting trust in Allah's plan. A few points to note: √ Ust. began with the story of Musa 'alaihissalam who was one of the Prophet to whom Allah bestowed abundance of knowledge and experienced many turbulences which require quite amount of sabr. Yet, in this story, Allah told him to go learn from "one of my slaves" whose name was...

What is Success?

At lunch today. Was thinking of a good name for a baby girl. Amongst some popular faithful women such as Khadijah, Fatimah, and Aisyah, the name of Asiyah (who also shares the same high degree as previously mentioned) came up as an option. But then, I quickly discharged it as I remembered the story of her who was married to Fir'aun and ended up murdered by her own husband simply for being a believer. As quick as I was to discharge the option, it occured to me, then, what is the true meaning of success? No one argue that Asiyah is a figure we should look up to, she's guaranteed paradise. Isn't that an ultimate success? But why there was a glance of hesitation when it came to her life story? It is absolutely understandable that as a parent, we'll name our children after someone we hope they'll aspire to be. Destiny isn't something we need to be worried about. It is character: the thing that is within our control and will determine the way we bring ourselve...


When you genuinely care about someone, you'll be a mirror to them. As a mirror, you'll only reflect the reality (truth) no matter how bitter it is. If there is, even the slightest, goodness in them, you'll show it. The same goes for a dirt, if they got dirt on them, you'll reflect it just as the way it is. Of course, as a human, we'll need to deliver the message rightly in language, timing, or circumstances. And this is what a Muslim has to be for their fellow Muslims, a good and clear MIRROR. That way, we'll functioned as an alarm system to one another. Reminding each other in truthfulness and sabr (patience) so that we'll be excluded from the one who lost like described in QS. Al- 'Asr. May Allah continue to guide us in His rightful path. Aamiin #justmirror #nojudgment #bealarm Jakarta, 24 Juni 2018


Sometimes, all you need is a PAUSE. Yep! Like this very moment. I need it. A time to reflect. To contemplate. To neutralise your system from external factors. To isolate yourself from the outside worlds. To get to know yourself better. Discover. Dive deep to the very core of your heart. What is it you are chasing after? Again. Who/ what is in the center of your heart? Again. Do not fall into the same mistake. Your Rabb, ALLAH, one and only. Prepare yourself to meet Him. Please Him, because that is all what really matters. :) Jakarta, June 4th, 2018

Islam, Peace and Hope [2]

THE NEED OF GUIDANCE Human needs guidance. A set of rules governing the everyday life which influences ANY decision we make. In Islam, it (supposed to be) clear that Al-Qur’an and Sunnah is our PRIMARY manual. However, that’s not the case when religion only applied to private affairs. Back then, I was using a set of list of “lessons-learned” from my past experience and common sense to navigate my life. I truly believed that everything happened in our life was meant to teach us something, thus I gathered my own life principles through trial-and-error kind of way. I always have this kind of question since my early adolescence: what combination of characters will be best for me as a human-being? I was kind of want to try numerous roles and things to get this outcome. How folly ambitious I was? HAHA. But then, I realize two things: TIME CONSTRAINT. We don’t live forever, do we? How would you try all (or most of) roles and learn all the paths just to find the perfect...

Islam, Peace, and Hope [1]

Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim “Indeed there is in the body a piece of flesh which if it is sound then the whole body is sound, and if it is corrupt then the whole body is corrupt. Indeed, it is the heart.” (Al-Bukhari & Muslim) THE IMPORTANCE OF AQIDAH Growing up as a Muslim doesn’t guarantee that you’ll grow up as a true believer. At least, that’s what I felt for most part of my life. Religion has been rooted in our society for so long that it is then (sadly) easily treated merely as one of building element in our culture. A guidance that supposed to govern all spheres in our lives, now has turned into ritualistic routines with barely heart attachment to it. We do shalat, zakah (mostly fitrah only?), and fasting solely to discharge obligation in order to avoid Hellfire or to conform with the norm (?). We neglect the basic question of whether we truly believe that Hellfire exists? Or to the deeper question of whether God exist? If it does, who is God? What is His...


Pas mau tidur, tetiba kepikiran nama buat calon sekolah atau gerakan pendidikan atau apapun lah nanti yang mau ku bikin (Insyaa Allah) yaitu: EduCare Educate yourself, caring for others Filosofinya sih, berilmu sebelum beramal. Berilmu sebelum menebar manfaat. Di jaman now ini, banyak banget orang yang gak menguasai suatu bidang tapi asal berceloteh dan beropini aja gitu, tanpa ilmu. Ini bahaya! Bukannya ini jaman demokrasi ya? Dimana semua orang bebas berpendapat? Yes, it's true. Tapi kita seringkali lupa bahwa setiap hal yang kita lakukan (be it pendapat atau tindakan) akan membawa konsekuensi, mulai dari sesederhana mengeruhkan suasana, menyakiti hati, menggiring opini, atau bahkan bisa membawa akibat yang jauh lebih serius dan mempengaruhi hajat hidup orang banyak. For that reason, I believe it is important to educate yourself to, at least, discharge the harm we may carry, whether it is intentionally or unintentionally, through our words, behaviours, or any p...