
When you genuinely care about someone, you'll be a mirror to them.

As a mirror, you'll only reflect the reality (truth) no matter how bitter it is. If there is, even the slightest, goodness in them, you'll show it. The same goes for a dirt, if they got dirt on them, you'll reflect it just as the way it is.

Of course, as a human, we'll need to deliver the message rightly in language, timing, or circumstances.

And this is what a Muslim has to be for their fellow Muslims, a good and clear MIRROR.

That way, we'll functioned as an alarm system to one another. Reminding each other in truthfulness and sabr (patience) so that we'll be excluded from the one who lost like described in QS. Al- 'Asr.

May Allah continue to guide us in His rightful path. Aamiin

#justmirror #nojudgment #bealarm

Jakarta, 24 Juni 2018


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