What is Success?

At lunch today.

Was thinking of a good name for a baby girl. Amongst some popular faithful women such as Khadijah, Fatimah, and Aisyah, the name of Asiyah (who also shares the same high degree as previously mentioned) came up as an option. But then, I quickly discharged it as I remembered the story of her who was married to Fir'aun and ended up murdered by her own husband simply for being a believer.

As quick as I was to discharge the option, it occured to me, then, what is the true meaning of success?

No one argue that Asiyah is a figure we should look up to, she's guaranteed paradise. Isn't that an ultimate success? But why there was a glance of hesitation when it came to her life story?

It is absolutely understandable that as a parent, we'll name our children after someone we hope they'll aspire to be. Destiny isn't something we need to be worried about. It is character: the thing that is within our control and will determine the way we bring ourselves in any given circumstances. And Asiyah had what it takes to bring her a successful end (regardless of her destiny in this world).

Perhaps, I should take a second look at how I define success. Is my success aligned to Allah's definition of success?

#renungansiang #sentilansentilun #success


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