
Allah is indeed the Perfect Teacher. Have you ever experienced in time when you need to learn a particular quality (e.g. patience, trust, taqwa, etc) in order to deal with your current circumstances, Allah surrounded you with exactly what you need? Be it in the form of 'ilm (knowledge), people, events, or any other forms to remind/increase the quality fit for the job. Yap, it's "The QUALITY" that become a vocal point! the problem may not seems to disappear yet. It's our ATTITUDE towards the problem that is being taught.

Here is (again) another video from Ust. Nouman discussing on "humility" in accepting & putting trust in Allah's plan. A few points to note:
√ Ust. began with the story of Musa 'alaihissalam who was one of the Prophet to whom Allah bestowed abundance of knowledge and experienced many turbulences which require quite amount of sabr. Yet, in this story, Allah told him to go learn from "one of my slaves" whose name was not even clearly-mentioned.
√ Reality divided into seen and unseen. The things we experienced directly is the seen reality, whilst the reason of Allah's decision is in the unseen.
√ We need to humble ourselves before Allah in order to fully trust His plan

Btw, he mentioned that he once joined a training in Oman where 2 of the rules were (1) no cell phones during the training (it was a week I guess) and (2) partipants (mixed) could ONLY inform their NAME & (insert here I forget, haha). The point is they can't tell their title, job, or any prestigious element in the society that invites a feeling of superiority. This is a good training of humility (if they don't know each other already :D ).


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