Freedom: Rethink

It has been a long time since I really pay attention to watch shows or commercials on TV. Then I saw this one interesting broadband commercial. It is interesting since unlike any other silly commercial, it actually has a deep meaning which tickles our mind to rethink "what does it mean to be free? what is freedom?"
Does it really mean an absolute "FREE" where no boundary nor limitations to our desire to do anything.

Is it really (what freedom is)?

It was also become an interesting issue to discuss in my previous program, USIPP.

Through USIPP, I learned that unlimited freedom to individual rights would only cost us chaotic society. There's no such a thing as absolute freedom. Human is indeed in need of rules. Otherwise, we'll go back to centuries ago when the only rule was jungle rule (those who are strong/ powerful triumphed). Surely, this would be a huge step-back to human civilitation! (Only in more modern casing).

Why the idea of absolute freedom is problematic?
- Human are borne with natural instings which one of them is the desire to have control/ power. We may use it for a better or worse depending upon our character. Can you imagine what would happen if it falls in to the wrong hands?
- It promotes individualist and selfish society. It is fearful to have a society where its members would put themselves first over public's interest. As we may predict, there will be clashes - due to conflict of interest.
- There is confusion for the idea to have a solid basis. It seems to me that it's just a matter of following our ego not to be constrained in anyway.

I opt for freedom to have boundaries to protect public interest. Not an absolute nor scrutinised one.

This writing was drafted few years ago. Only finished today. This was a respond to a mainstream wave that calls for an excessive freedom like the one promoted by the western culture (which gradually adopted by Indonesian or eastern younger generations).

#standforfreedom #againstabsolutefreedom #againstexcessivefreedom #freedomwithboundary #responsiblefreedom #rules

Jakarta, 5 Agustus 2018


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