Islam, Peace and Hope [2]


Human needs guidance. A set of rules governing the everyday life which influences ANY decision we make.

In Islam, it (supposed to be) clear that Al-Qur’an and Sunnah is our PRIMARY manual.
However, that’s not the case when religion only applied to private affairs.

Back then, I was using a set of list of “lessons-learned” from my past experience and common sense to navigate my life. I truly believed that everything happened in our life was meant to teach us something, thus I gathered my own life principles through trial-and-error kind of way. I always have this kind of question since my early adolescence: what combination of characters will be best for me as a human-being?

I was kind of want to try numerous roles and things to get this outcome. How folly ambitious I was? HAHA. But then, I realize two things:
TIME CONSTRAINT. We don’t live forever, do we?
How would you try all (or most of) roles and learn all the paths just to find the perfect one? Once you believe it is good for you, be right on. As we don’t know how long we have left in this world. Btw, I once read a post saying “how could you say that Islam is the right one before you study all of the religion/faith available out there?” I believe he mentioned a considerable number of faiths/religions available throughout the world. Buddy, why would I go through all the option of multiple answer when I already have a one certain answer? Even an exam has time limit. By the time I am done analyzing the options, I might not have the time left to start practicing the faith. Yah, masa hidup cuma nganalisis pilihan doang sih? Rugi dong. Talbis euy..talbis..

This means there is no “perfect” character. 

I am truly grateful that now I have chosen Islam as my way of life. Things are easier when you have a fix guideline: just copy the akhlaq and adab of Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Since the guidance is fix, now I can start working on the progress. Bismillah

Besides, the knowledge that even the Shahabat were so diverse in characters and yet they were declared to be successful by Allah, somehow eases my heart to just be the best version of myself. Accept what Allah has given me, adjust and amend what is bad, enhance what is good, and most importantly stay istiqomah (steady) because this life is a process towards the end which is unforeseeable. May Allah grant us His mercy to die in Khusnul Khotimah. Aamiin.

*a glasses – a perspective from which we should see the world


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