Mini Friend: Lovely Gembul

I got a little cute friend today (February 25th, 2011). Thanks to my friend, Ainun, for trusting me to look after her lovely pet. Ups, now she's mine! Hehee. Since this is the first time I have an "unspeakable" mate, I would like to remark this incredible moment through this simple short note. OK, here we go..
About two days ago, I saw my friend updated her facebook status stated that someone was looking for somebody to adopt her hamster. I was attracted because I would like to experience how to take care of other species than human.

Ah, but when you are reading this note, Gembul has been taken away from me. Umm, well, technically I gave her to my little sister cause last year, right after a month since I have her, I need to explore a spectacular life in Hiroshima, Japan.
She used to be so young, so cute, furry, and flurry! With a small yet beautiful home I bought for her, she was quite happy though. She loved to spin around on her wheel and I loved to watch.
I worried when she was just sleeping and not moving at all. When she woke up, she seems so powerless. She even dragged herself from her wheel to eat. I though I made a mistake that might cause her to die!!
I was scared. But then I found out that it was her (hamster) nature to act that way after I texted my friend, a hamster lover. Hahaha

Yah, up til now, my sister is looking after her. I guess she has a way better life than when she was staying with me.
My parents and sister treat her like the third daughter in the family. I was kinda worried a bit, hahaha kidding!
But it was true that they treated her like a human. My mom even talked to her like a daughter :S
They bought her a new luxurious home (in hamster standard), so she has two homes now. Moreover, they tried to make Gembul happy by buying her a husband!!
Unfortunately, her husband has died by now. We never figured out why it could happen. I don't know whether they had fallen love to each other. It must be so hard for Gembul though to live all alone in her two houses. Just too big for one.
Furthermore, she would never have a kid. Hmmm so sad. I don't know why my little sister doesn't buy a new one. Well, I guess she kinda afraid if Gembul will become over agressive toward her new husband. Hahaha
My sistah told me that Gembul was very excited when she (my sista) got her (gembul) the RIP-husband. However, the RIP-Husband seems ignored her. Oh, poor Gembul.

And now, everytime I come back home, I checked her out. She looks lonely, so thin (maybe she had diet or protest action?), and powerless. She's not riding on her wheel anymore. She seems so weak, maybe because she's already old now. Oh Gembul, may you have a long live dear gembul..
You are my first unspoken mate, we will take care of you :)

Gembul and her habit


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