Commemoration of The Most Memorable Adventure

It was like a dream came true when my mobile phone rang right before Akuntansi Sektor Publik class started. I remembered we were about preparing for the second Quiz test when Mbak Titis (I guessed from her voice) congratulated me for being chosen as STEP HUE candidate. The first thing crossed in my mind was that I could not believe “I am going to Japan!!”. I kept repeating, said it to myself.
Entering the class with smiley face that I definitely could not hide, spontaneously I shouted to my friends, “I am going to Japan! Oh My, I just can’t believe it!”. While they were congratulating me, I was still in my effort to convince myself that I would go to study abroad, Japan, for the very first time. ABROAD!! Oh My! Alhamdulillah.
Today, April 2nd, 2012, exactly a year has passed since my departure to Hiroshima, Japan. It was early spring with temperature always below 10 degree for the first couple months. For me, it was like I had been put in a big freezer. OK, that’s exaggerating. But it was cold, yes.
There are no best words to describe my gratitude for being able to experience studying in Hiroshima Keizai Daigaku (Hiroshima University of Economics). I got a lifetime experience, friends, family, love, joy and happiness which I would always cherish forever. I’d like to freeze my memories in Japan since to me; it was the most joyful part in my whole life. I feel no pressure, I enjoy every second of my day. And tonight, I am missing Japan like crazy!! I don’t know how or when, but I promise to myself to visit there once again..again..and again :p
Not only the places that I miss, but also most importantly my friends and family in Japan. I miss them, I want to meet them. Laugh with them again if I have a chance. Amen!

Ruang Galau in Yogyakarta, April 2nd, 2012


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