Discussion with Prof. Heddy Ahimsa – Part 2

There were three main topics elaborated by Prof. Heddy during our second meeting. They were as explained below:
1. Abraham religion as the common ground of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism
Abraham was known as the proto-monotheist. The story of Abraham and his descent said to be the initial story where Islam, Christianity, and Judaism emerged from. In order to obtain a further understanding on the emerging of those three religions, we should study the lineage of Abraham:

"supposed there's a diagram, yet the format doesn't fit blogspot"   

In Islam perspective, the story began when Sarah asked Abraham to marry Siti Hajar, her servant, after a long marriage in effort to give him a child. From Siti Hajar, Abraham had Ismail as his first son. But then, Allah asked Abraham to leave them (Siti Hajar and Ismail) in Mecca. Meanwhile, he stayed with Sarah in Palestine in order to obey his God’s will. Someday, an angel came to Sarah and said that she would have a child. It was become true as Israel born. These two lines of Abraham descent will be the seed of the three religions aforementioned. In the line of Israel, called Bani Israel, there were many prophets and saints born such as Yakub, Yusuf, Yahya, Zakaria, Moses, etc. The fellow of Moses will emerge as Judaism with Taurah as their scripture. Next generation (with unknown time interval) will be Jesus which will be the initial of Christianity.
Meanwhile, in the other line (from Siti Hajar side), there were no prophets or saints in a long time of period until Muhammad (pbuh) was born. He was believed as the last prophet of Islam which had been mentioned in Taurah too. But in Islam perspective, the content of Taurah (Old Testament) and Bible (New Testament) as the former scriptures before Qur’an had been changed to benefit certain party. Therefore, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism originally come from Abraham religion yet every religion has their own claim. That is the reason why different religions emerged.
By understanding Abraham lineage, we may better understand why Paul L. Heck in his book stated that Islam, Christianity, and Judaism have their common ground in some ways. This was also the reason why Jews emphasize on mother’s line, because if it is drawn from father’s line, which it means Abraham will be the original line.

2. Ministry of Religion Affair
Prof. Heddy did mention about the reason of Ministry of Religion Affair’s existence in Indonesia. According to him, it was the implementation of Pancasila sila Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa. Unfortunately, he didn’t mention so much about how effective The Ministry actually exercises its role in this plural society. We talked in a brief regarding Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI). He confirmed that the role of MUI is to issue fatwa (Islamic tenets-based opinion on a certain issue). The member of MUI comes from various Islam’s sects such as Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama, etc. Ideally, MUI should be independent. Nevertheless, in practical, the government does support MUI including in financial term. It is good in a way that government has to cooperate with religious organization such as MUI (not limited to it) to enhance tolerance among cross-religion people, but in financial term? I am afraid that it will be influential in MUI independence at least in appearance.

3. Pluralism vs Multiculturalism
We discuss this topic pertaining to Fatwa Haram by MUI in response to pluralism. MUI define pluralism as a view that considers every religion as the same and the truth of each religion thus is relative. Nobody may claims that his religion is the right one and the others are not. Thus, to analyze this matter, we better understand its definition first.
The definition of pluralism and multiculturalism is often interchangeably. However, the meaning of the two words is actually different in social-cultural science. Sociocultural science defines Pluralism as a view that recognizes the cultural, social, or religious differences yet unnecessarily respects to the other party. Pluralistic, the adjective word of pluralism, means a condition where various people with differences live together side by side. Meanwhile, multiculturalism is a view that people recognize and respect the differences. Moreover, they have curiosity on others’ beliefs, values, or cultures.
Taking those two point of view, Prof. Heddy said, Indonesia is tend to be pluralism country than multiculturalism one. Surprisingly, multiculturalism is heavily opposed by European country. The reason related to the population of immigrant in that continent. Europeans are afraid that when multiculturalism has widely accepted in society, the immigrants and its descent would reluctant to study European culture. In my opinion, it is contradictive with the definition of multiculturalism itself where it says that people will eagerly to study the differences. Therefore, there should be nothing to worry if they do accept the concept of equality among races.
From this issue, we may learn that as an educated person, we need to look at its definition before judging a certain matter. In this case, the definition of pluralism between MUI and socio-cultural science is far different. Therefore, we couldn’t compare it one to another. Well for me, I don’t want to troubled myself by adhering myself to an argued definition. I made my own view which accommodates my beliefs and values. Moreover, I don’t bother to classify myself in pluralism or multiculturalism. In my view, I recognize the differences surrounding me and I respect it. I love to learn the differences since it will help me to better understand my own religion/culture/value. I do not need to argue that my religion is the right one, I just keep it as my faith and others may believe in what they believe as true too. All key needed is tolerance. Like the Qur’an said, “your religion is yours, and mine is mine” (Qur’an 109: 6). We may work with anyone with different religion in social, political, business or any aspects but religion. In term of religion, we should implement our religion’s teaching and values purely. Moreover, we have to respect others to do so.

Note: Some days ago, I checked the definition of pluralism in Oxford for Advanced Learner's Dictionary. It shows that the definition given by Prof. Ahimsa is align with the one in dictionary. Thus before judging anything, we better ensure that we compare apple to apple, including when we analyze fatwa MUI.


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