
Showing posts from April, 2012

Gado-gado Malam

Suatu hari di jaman SMP, seorang guru bertanya "apa cita-cita kalian setelah lulus sekolah?" Semua anak di kelas diminta memberikan jawaban satu per satu. Jawaban yang disuguhkan pun beragam, mulai dari dokter, enjiner, dosen, researcher, de el el. Semuanya begitu tinggi, begitu memukau, seakan begitu hidup dan menyenangkan untuk dikejar. Tipe mimpi yang akan membuat orang berkata "wow" ketika kau berhasil mencapainya. Sampai akhirnya, tiba giliran temanku yang jawabannya agak nyentrik. Dia bilang, "cita-cita saya ingin menjadi ibu rumah tangga". Sontak seluruh kelas menghujamkan tatapan separo menghina, seperempat merendahkan, dan sisanya semacam mengejek. Ketika itu, cita-cita gadis SMP itu seakan sangat konyol dan "ga mutu". Kampungan, begitu versi jahatnya. Dulu, aku adalah salah satu dari orang yang menganggap remeh cita-cita itu. Tatapan kami menertawainya dalam diam. Saat itu, aku berpikir: untuk apa sekolah tinggi-tinggi kalau...

Destination: Hiroshima

Dulu sebelum ke Jepang, aku pernah berjanji pada seorang teman untuk menjurnal kegiatanku sehari-hari selama di sana. Tapi maaf sekali ya teman, aku baru bisa memenuhi janjiku malam ini. Berhubung aku lagi kangen berat sama negeri matahari terbit, so I guess this is the right time to write the whole story when I was in Japan. Dimulai dari masa pre-departure ya alias sebelum keberangkatan. I don't remember the date exactly, tapi kalian pasti tau kan bencana alam yang dialami Jepang sekitar bulan Maret 2011?? Yap, bencana gempa bumi dan tsunami yang melanda area sekitar Tokyo yang diikuti dengan bocornya nuklir di PLTN Fukushima Daichi sempat "hampir" memusnahkan impianku. Tapi justru di saat itulah aku tau teman mana yang benar-benar mengharapkan aku berangkat ke Jepang dan mana teman  yang "terlihat" antusias atas kemungkinan programku batal. Hmm..anyway, itu lah teman. Macem-macem ya sifatnya. Hehehe Mendengar berita di TV yang tak abis2nya mengabarkan beta...

Commemoration of The Most Memorable Adventure

It was like a dream came true when my mobile phone rang right before Akuntansi Sektor Publik class started. I remembered we were about preparing for the second Quiz test when Mbak Titis (I guessed from her voice) congratulated me for being chosen as STEP HUE candidate. The first thing crossed in my mind was that I could not believe “I am going to Japan!!”. I kept repeating, said it to myself. Entering the class with smiley face that I definitely could not hide, spontaneously I shouted to my friends, “I am going to Japan! Oh My, I just can’t believe it!”. While they were congratulating me, I was still in my effort to convince myself that I would go to study abroad, Japan, for the very first time. ABROAD!! Oh My! Alhamdulillah. Today, April 2 nd , 2012, exactly a year has passed since my departure to Hiroshima, Japan. It was early spring with temperature always below 10 degree for the first couple months. For me, it was like I had been put in a big freezer. OK, that’s exaggerating....

Mini Friend: Lovely Gembul

I got a little cute friend today (February 25th, 2011). Thanks to my friend, Ainun, for trusting me to look after her lovely pet. Ups, now she's mine! Hehee. Since this is the first time I have an "unspeakable" mate, I would like to remark this incredible moment through this simple short note. OK, here we go.. About two days ago, I saw my friend updated her facebook status stated that someone was looking for somebody to adopt her hamster. I was attracted because I would like to experience how to take care of other species than human. Ah, but when you are reading this note, Gembul has been taken away from me. Umm, well, technically I gave her to my little sister cause last year, right after a month since I have her, I need to explore a spectacular life in Hiroshima, Japan. She used to be so young, so cute, furry, and flurry! With a small yet beautiful home I bought for her, she was quite happy though. She loved to spin around on her wheel and I loved to watch. ...

Discussion with Prof. Heddy Ahimsa – Part 2

There were three main topics elaborated by Prof. Heddy during our second meeting. They were as explained below: 1. Abraham religion as the common ground of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism Abraham was known as the proto-monotheist. The story of Abraham and his descent said to be the initial story where Islam, Christianity, and Judaism emerged from. In order to obtain a further understanding on the emerging of those three religions, we should study the lineage of Abraham: "supposed there's a diagram, yet the format doesn't fit blogspot"    In Islam perspective, the story began when Sarah asked Abraham to marry Siti Hajar, her servant, after a long marriage in effort to give him a child. From Siti Hajar, Abraham had Ismail as his first son. But then, Allah asked Abraham to leave them (Siti Hajar and Ismail) in Mecca. Meanwhile, he stayed with Sarah in Palestine in order to obey his God’s will. Someday, an angel came to Sarah and said that she would have a child....

PwC: Signed!

Yap, today was the day! 29 Maret 2012, 13.00 - 15.00 (?) Lima sekawan datang dari Jogja demi menorehkan coretan di atas kerta yang akan mengikat kehidupan mereka untuk berbulan-bulan atau bertahun-tahun mendatang. Bahkan efeknya pun sudah bisa mereka rasakan dari sekarang: dorongan untuk merampungkan skripsi secepat mungkin. Kegalauan ini khususnya melandaku yang belum KKN sendiri. Padahal, kalau mau ujian pendadaran (skripsi) dan kompre harus nunggu semua nilai keluar. Dua minggu setelah mendaftar, baru deh dagdigdug nya dimulai. Sedangkan kegiatan KKNnya sendiri akan berlangsung dari 9 Juli - 15 Agustus 2012 dan setelahnya dilanjutkan libur lebaran entah sampai kapan. Yah, kemungkinan sampai akhir Agustus atau awal September baru masuk lah yaa.. Sementara, pihak PwC menginginkan diriku join 3 September 2012! OMG! Gak tau lah ya apa yang akan terjadi, what will be will be deh.. Kalau memang PwC adalah tempat pertamaku untuk mulai berkarya dan belajar, saya yakin bin percaya pas...