Farewell Party HUE - FEB UGM

I just got back from a farewell party held by FEB UGM in order to say goodbye and gratitudes to HUE students whose belong to Indonesia Project, Koudoukan. It has been years since the first community development was conducted in cooperation between FEB UGM and Hiroshima University of Economics (HUE). Indonesia Project team has been here for around two weeks and they will be leaving by tomorrow night. No need to mention by plane kan yaa?? Hehehe
Hmm.. well, today's farewell was more "meriah" than last semester, I must say.
with the band, dinner, and everything (umm I guess that's all ding)
but last semester's farewell, somehow, was more touching when almost everyone cried. I felt so hard to be apart with them after two-week long together. Maybe because last semester, we worked with fewer people and I got involved in more activities with them, so..ya, I felt so sad when it came the time to say sayonara..

Meanwhile, for this semester, I must admit that I wasn't much involved in their activities. Only at the last one, Peace Festival. Because everything was different from last semester. I'm getting busier cause I just started to write my thesis..with the deadline pressure, assignments from USIPP program, and other activities made me hard to manage my time. Thus, I couldn't always be with the team this time. Fortunately, many students from FEB were voluntarily helped them out. So I guess over all, this semester they had a better quality of program. Hope so for the next program on Summer 2012! Minna ganbatte ne!

Wow, I didn't expect I'd wrote that much. Heheh
Uumm.. now let's move to Photo Session!! Eheheh. Where there is a moment, there is a camera to capture!!

Here, the first photo with Shiho and my senpai, Bita. Three beautiful girls who are looking for a charming prince to save us from this jomblo state. Hahahahah #ga penting. Anyway, we promised to find a "kareshi" when next time we meet (I'm not sure when, cause maybe and hopefully I wont be in FEB when they come at summer, well revision needed, at least not as a student. lol). Just for fun (but deeply hope so)!!! wkwkwk

Me, Shiho, and Senpai
Aren't we pretty?? Hahahaha promosi promosi :p

Ok, our next photo is coming from our Big Boss, Sakanaaaa!!, eh Sato ding. Hihihi
He's a kind-hearted and funny guy, very helpful! :)

Me, Sato "the Leader", and Zulfa "the future HUE ryugakusei in Kyut Pose :p
Hope he can be a soccer coach as he dreamed about. Amin!
That was all. Need to work on my other task! Hope you readers enjoy this post. See yaaa!

Yogyakarta, 24 Maret 2012


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