Farewell Party HUE - FEB UGM

I just got back from a farewell party held by FEB UGM in order to say goodbye and gratitudes to HUE students whose belong to Indonesia Project, Koudoukan. It has been years since the first community development was conducted in cooperation between FEB UGM and Hiroshima University of Economics (HUE). Indonesia Project team has been here for around two weeks and they will be leaving by tomorrow night. No need to mention by plane kan yaa?? Hehehe Hmm.. well, today's farewell was more "meriah" than last semester, I must say. with the band, dinner, and everything (umm I guess that's all ding) but last semester's farewell, somehow, was more touching when almost everyone cried. I felt so hard to be apart with them after two-week long together. Maybe because last semester, we worked with fewer people and I got involved in more activities with them, so..ya, I felt so sad when it came the time to say sayonara.. Meanwhile, for this semester, I must admit that I wa...