USIPP #8: Cultural Day!

Basically, today we had cultural activities all day long. First, we visited Kraton Yogyakarta and enjoy ed Karawitan there. I met this one Japanese granny, it helped me to releave my longing about Japanese thingy. We looked around inside the palace which consists of many rooms like pictures of Sultan, things that belong to him, and others.  The ruling Sultan and his royal family are still living in the white building inside the palace. Our guide said lights on the yard will only be turned on when the Sultan is home. Next, we had a lunch in Loving Hut, a vegan restaurant in nearby Malioboro. From there, we moved to have shopping at Mirota Batik. Mirota Batik is a shop where they sell many kind of Batik and Javanese souvenirs. It is located at Malioboro Street.

My US friends, Shannon, Ellie, Theresa, and Angela, they bought many beatiful batiks in various forms ranging from pants, shirts, skirts, scarfs, etc. In simply words, they were overwhelmed with all Batik stuffs. Haha. Well, Angela has a bit different interest than others because she bought arts such as paintings and antique things. Quite interesting actually. Hoho

We were also practising 3 different traditional dances: Javanese-Balinese-Minang dance. At first, we only watched the dances performed by the real dancers from those three regions respectively. Then we had a chance to learn some simple moves. The team were divided into 3, each group consists of 3 persons. I practiced Tari Piring with Gita and Theresa. It was nice to enjoy the performance, yet it wasn't easy to learn the moves though. Huhuhuh.

Well, that was enough for today! I'm counting down the days before leaving for US :D

Yogyakarta, June 11, 2012


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