USIPP #10: it's time to travel!

Today we started our day very early, 6 am in the morning. We directly went to the biggest Buddhist temple in Indonesia, Candi Borobudur, Magelang. I have been there many times, yet I still amazed on how beautiful the view from the top of the temple. Candi Borobudur was built in Syailendra Dynasti, Buddhism Mataram age. Before built this temple, they had built another temple not so far from Borobudur, that is Mendut temple. Later on, I’d explain how interesting our discussion was.

Borobudur temple was included in 7 wonders in the world. It is surrounded by 3 big mountains: Mt. Merapi, Mt. Sumbing, and Mt. Sindoro. From there, we rode a horse-cart (dokar) through the nearby village. It was kinda uncovenient moment because our American partners (some or all, not sure) were animal lovers. Thus they could not bear to see the horse riding us back to the parking lot because the horse are phisically small.  I don’t want to debate on this matter. I personally think that before we judge a thing, especially in a new circumstances, we need to look at the background and the context first. See it in a big picture so that we can see things comprehensively. It may be sad to watch the horse “suffer”, but we need to realize that the driver himself needs money to fulfill the basic needs. We need to understand that it’s hard to talk about “humanity for animal” when their basic needs itself hasn’t fulfilled yet. They need struggling for it. Bigger population in Indonesia are mostly lived below the average or a decent/appropriate life. Therefore, we need to ensure that their basic needs such as food, health, and education itself are granted before discussing on that matter. Other than that, other creatures are created to help human and I dont see that the driver (kusir) tortured the horse. He feeds his horse, and if he doesn't get any passenger, then it will be bad for the horse too, right?
Maybe we should understand that differences on perceiving things indeed happen. Let's say, they are balancing each other :)

I guess my favorite part for today was a discussion in Vihara Mendut, near the Mendut temple. It was enlightening in a way that I can see Buddhism concepts better. I got a bunch of interesting informations.


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