None but Him

From a substantial amount of life experiences, I've come to believe that nothing/ nobody is worth to be pleased but Allah.

And yet, I keep on repeating similar mistakes over and over again.

And yet, Allah always opens the door for us to repent. And ready to be loved, again.

Nobody in this world loves us more than Allah. When the Mightiest and the Most Perfect Being loves us unconditionally, forgives us no matter how many times we've screwed up, like no one else can do, shouldn't we at least feel the need not to let Him down?

Try your (sincere) best to keep a good relationship with Him.

Please, at least feel the urge to do so, Cin.

Please help yourself on the day when nothing and no one can help you,

And TAQWA is indeed the best form of self-love.

Be patience.

This world is indeed a very short journey.

"Kalau mau caper, caperlah sama Allah. Percuma caper sama manusia. Rugi."

Jakarta, 13 September 2021

Edited: 15 Sept 2021


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