Review: Wijaya Platinum Skincare, Slimming & Laser

Hello guys, long time no post. You miss me, eh?

This time, I'd do a review on Wijaya Platinum Skincare, Slimming, & Laser. I haven't told you some stressful issues I have been facing lately kan ya? To make it short, for these few months, my face has turned into 'lapangan main jerawat'. Sumpah, banyak bingits jerawatnya. Yang tadinya cuma satu dua, jadi beranak pinak. Ugh, betah rupanya #amitamit

I don't know whether it's because of the stress or I had been trying out some new products, which perhaps, did not match my skin. Moreover, I haven't done any treatment or facial since months ago (my experince using Liz had traumatized me, seriously. OK, perhaps I am too exaggregating, but it does make me 'KAPOK'). So, today I went to Wijaya Skincare in Depok as recommended by a friend of mine.

The address isn't so far from Universitas Gunadarma. You can take Commuter Line to Pondok Cina station and walk (about 5 min) or take Angkot to get there. After waiting from 10 AM to 12.30 PM (the doctor just came at 11 AM), I was treated by dr. Eka. Btw, honestly I don't know whether she is an SpKK or not. I thought she was, but there was no title (only dr) after her name when I checked on the bill. She checked my face by using some microscope tools (I'm sure that's not the name. This tool can zoom our skin. Yo pokok e ngono lah yaaa). Then, she prescribed me some creams and antibiotic to drink. She offered me to get shot on some big acnes, but I declined. She said that it was fine, but I would need to monitor if it got any better in a week. If it's not, then I definately to get a shot or else, it would become a kista something. Thus, I will need to go through a minor surgery. OK, why does everytime we go to see a doctor, something that we thought wasn't serious would be so freaking serious and needed an immediate action?
Sorry, silly question.

Continuation of my story, she explained me what medicines or creams I needed to take and how. dr. Eka remind me to come back again 2 days before the medicine and creams run off. And that's it!

Here are what she prescribed me:

1. Acne Cleansing IDR39K
2. Toner Acne 3 IDR22K
3. Cream SYC Gel (Pagi 1) IDR35K
4. Cream Base Gel (Pagi 2) IDR57K
5. Cream MT2 untuk jerawat yang gede-gede IDR29K
6. Acne Lotion untuk jerawat kecil-kecil yang di dahi IDR32K
7. Cream Acne 4+ IDR59K
8. Kapsul antibiotik untuk diminum 1x sehari setelah makan (30 kapsul) IDR45K

In total, I spent IDR 333K (plus admin fee IDR 15K). Oh ya, facialnya murah2. Mulai dari IDR 70K, tapi tadi belom boleh facial sih karena masih jerawatan. Dan ternyata, Wijaya Skincare ini juga ada di Kelapa Gading. Duh, besok2 ke yang deket aja deh! Hahahaha

Doakan yaa semoga ada perubahan membaik. Aamiin
We'll tell you how it goes..

Jakarta, November 2nd, 2014

1. I think they mistakenly give me MT2 instead of MT3 which was prescribed by dr. Eka. Will contact them tomorrow and I'll post the response here.
2. dr.Eka told me that my skin would be getting dry before releasing the deadskin, but during these 2 days, my face just as oily as before. Let's hope the effect will take place soon!


  1. Halooo:)
    Aku juga loh member wijaya udah hampir setahun ini. Tp sejauh ini sih nggak ada problem:)
    Awalnya aku kesana karena jerawat beruntus dikening yang banyak bgt. Dan Alhamdulillah bisa diatasi dalam waktu satu bulan.
    Mampir yaaa ke review aku:) dan


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