Met the two inspiring women: Maria Chrin and Daisy Khan

Today was the longest day ever during the USIPP program, unnecessary to be unpleasant one. We need to get to the bus station by 7.00 this morning, otherwise we wouldn't be able to meet an amazig woman, Maria Chrin. Google her and you might find a bunch of articles about her impressive achievements so far. We were lucky to get a chance to know her in person. I personally admire her since I read her brief biography on our program book, especially after I found out that she has economic background. After had lunch with her, also her husband and Mrs. Judy, I like her more. With such high achievements, she maintains to stay humble and warm toward others.

We discussed more about George Washington’s letter to Hebrew Congregration in Newport, Rhode Island. I had read it from USIPP materials uploaded on facebook, yet I didn’t realize how important the letter was. Honestly, I didn’t really understand nor pay much attention to it before. However, Judy brought up the issue and emphasized the importance of the letter as a motivation or inspiration in struggling for religious freedom. She explained how important it was to work on the grassroot level, to make people understand that religion is a basic right of individu and bigotry will only bring us to doom. If you consider war, discrimination, or anarchy in the name of religion as a doom. It takes us beyond tolerance to embrace the differences and live in coexistence among different cultures, religion, or ethnicity. We also shared about what we have done and learned during these last 3 weeks in Indonesia and US.

The discussion about this GW’s letter makes me curious what was going on back then. What’s the reason GW sent those letter? From Lloyd's story then I found out, in that point, Jewish was highly discriminated and there was negative association toward them. Rhode Island is a small island in the US territory where religion and state was separated (the first state who did the separation) in order to guarantee the religius freedom. Well, I still don’t know much about it yet. All I know, Judy’s organization regularly send GW’s letter to high schools in US and make some efforts in order to educate them about the importance of religious freedom. Moreover, the study shows that students who had been educated through this letter are likely to show higher tolerance toward other religion. Knowing the impact of this letter, well, I guess I need to re-read it and bring it back to Indonesia.

On the rush way to God’s Box (it’s a building in NY where many interfaith organizations take place), we saw a policeman stopped a “Bearded-man” who happened driving with a “full-covered woman” (cadar in Bahasa Indonesia). We didn’t know what was going on, that was just interesting to observe. It could be the man violate the traffic law or many other reasons. I hope it's not because of the stereotype or stuff like that.

A police stopped the car

Anyway, you must be wondering what would we do inside of the God's Box?
We had an appointment with Daisy Khan, a moslem woman activist who struggled for building a community center two blocks away from the Ground Zero*.  She is an outstanding woman. My favorite quote from her was “They were not only attacking the country, the state, but they also hijacked all religions”. I totally agree with her. It’s not only the national security that was on stake, but also religion particularly (in this case) Islam. Why? Because they abused Islam by conducting terrorism in the name of religion. They are not even representing the majority of moslem’s belief. They have their own ideology which extremely differs from the mainstream Islam.

Extremist is our common enemies. She said that among all those moslems she had ever met, there’s no Moslem-American who wants to harm The United States. How come a Moslem-American wants to harm the US when moslem society will also get harmed even multiple times? Because they are Americans and they are Islam. I like to hear her saying that this hard time is just temporary before the American society in general eventually not having misconception about Islam. It is a normal phase for any religion to be challenged before getting accepted in a society. Islam today is like Jewish or any minority group in the past which must facing a period of diffulty first. Now is time for Islam to prove itself as "rahmatan lil 'alamin".

Other those kind of controversial issues, she's also involved in a youth development movement to create a great moslem leader in the future who promoting tolerance and peace. For any Islamic issues, please visit ASMA Society. I might write about her in details later! :D

Me, Daisy, and Gita
At the end of the meeting with Daisy, we had to say good bye to Dr. Lloyd. We are so gonna miss you and Em!! Thank you for the book, I'll read it..

Group Picture with Lloyd
After having dinner at an incredible Italian restaurant, I should thank Jenn for recommending the place, we continued to our next stop: the 9/11 Memorial Park or known as the Ground Zero. *Ground Zero is the place where the twin tower, World Trade Center (WTC), were located. In order to honour approximately 3000 victims, a memorial park was built there. The memorial consists of two pools which constructed exactly at where the twin tower were located. There is one tree called “the Survivor tree” which as its name, survived from that tragedy. On the steel around the pool carved all names of the victims. This memorial should become a reminder for the rest of us to always fight together against terrorist, but keep it in mind: not against the religion. Terrorist is our common enemy. I believe, there’s no religion in the world that teach about hatred nor violance. Refers to what Daisy Khan said, the religion itself was being hijacked to satisfy a certain extremist group who abuse the religion as justification of their terrible action.

We then spent the night on Time Square which end up by buying some souvenirs. By the way, if you want to buy some affordable souvenirs, go to Canal Street (note for myself too). Hehehe.
Let me describe Time Square in some words: dazzling, crowded, noisy, fun, unique.
 I saw many unsual things while walking around in Time Square such as a lady and man in cowboy style which is pretty “open” in public space (If You Know What I Mean), an Indian guy which “open” too, and the rest was light and people every where. There was one cool-looking place that is “Ripley’s: Unbelievable News, Odd, Bizzare Things from All Around the World” and also Hollywood’s celebrity in wax figure. Time Square was really fun for a short time visit. Ah, I also saw “Ernst and Young Public Accounting Firm” and was wondering why it takes place there. Accountant and Time Square? Doesn’t seem fit well. Hahaha. It was pretty late when we finally get to the “Leo House” where we stay. Honestly, I’m a lil disappoint that we won’t visit Liberty Statue. However, I’ll enjoy the rest of the program and hopefully that will be my motivation to come back to US. Amin J

A man in Liberty costum

They have becak!

A Lady in Cowboy costum

EY office in Time Square

We are heading for DC tomorrow..

“To Bigotry, No Sanction.” (George Washington)
“They were not only attacking the country, the state.. they also hijacked all religion.” ( Daisy Khan)

New York, June 29, 2012.


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