
Be kind, regardless.

Strive to be good, even when your kindness is not returned. Strive to excel, even when it is not yield immediate result. Strive to contribute, even when it is not appreciated. Strive to the truth, even when none is by your side. Be patience in the true path and only anticipating the help and rewards from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Be good, regardless. Cause it shows your level. Mind what's in your control and let go (rely to Allah) on things that are outside of your control. I pray that Allah will grant us a heart that is ridha (pleased) with His Qadha and Qadr. And may He be pleased with us. Kuala Lumpur, 21 October 2024

Grateful for Every Little Thing

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Makers of 'vegan' tiramisu that killed Italian woman, 20, with severe dairy allergies are set to go on trial for manslaughter | Daily Mail Online This morning, I read this article. And once again, I realise how ingrateful we can be most of the time. The "little" things that we take for granted, i.e., in this case, not having any allergic reaction to specific ingredients or medicines. How easy and comfortable for me to be able to go to any restaurant and order any (halal) things that I like, without needing any extra precaution to safeguard my LIFE. A (may seem to be simple) thing for most of us, milk and cheese, can be deadly for someone else. Alhamdulillah yaa Rabbi, for every single blessing You have been bestowing upon me. Alhamdulillah bini'mati taatimmusshalihaat. Help us to remember all the blessings, yaa Rabbi.. help us to be among Your grateful servants. -- On a side note, it also makes me realise how big of a deal to ensure food saf...

Tawakkul in 2023

There are times when thinking is too much to do and all you wanna do is rely completely to Allah. Too tiring.. You have no energy left to invest in the matter and just want to let go.. (what is already gone anyway) You know that you are just grasping at empty air (wait, if you have air, it's scientifically not empty. LOL). Anyhow.. you know what I mean.. *** Well, we should have completely put our tawakkal (trust and reliance) in the first place. Always.. Not only after we can't do anything.. with our efforts.. *** All I know is that Allah knows best and He is the best Planner. Alhamdulillah Kuala Lumpur, 28 June 2023


My mistake was that.. I expect other people to understand my frustrations and actually care about it. I expect to find rest in anyone/ anything other than Allah. Of course, this kind of expectation would only lead us to disappointment. You know it too well, don't you?

Catatan Cindhi

Jika saja kita mampu memahami bahwa memaafkan itu bukan untuk kebaikan orang lain melainkan diri kita sendiri, niscaya tidak akan ada lagi perkataan: "Tapi apa yang dia lakukan sungguh keterlaluan! (Insert keluhannya yang bisa saja sebenarnya valid)." Karena sejatinya dunia itu ujian. Maka respon kita adalah jawabannya. Yang menentukan kita lulus atau tidak adalah  respon  kita. Kita gagal bukan soal yang dikasih (AA Gym). Kalau saja kita paham tujuan membuang semua kebencian/ dendam/ amarah, dll itu demi mencapai  'keselamatan (kebersihan) hati' , dan bukan perkara apakah pihak lain yang terlibat itu 'pantas' untuk dimaafkan/ diperlakukan dengan baik. Karena kita yang diuji (dari perspektif kita) . Dan ingat, Allah sudah sampaikan bahwa sesungguhnya, kita ini adalah ujian bagi satu sama lain. Jadi anggap saja sebagai perontok dosa. Memaafkan orang lain sebagai tawassul agar Allah memberikan ampunannya untuk kita. Kita yang banyak dosa :( Kuala Lumpur, 18...

1 Ramadan 1443 H

I was impatiently waiting for the month of Ramadan to come yesterday. Counting every second just to make sure I set things right for a hopeful win until the end. As I entered to the most awaited month, a glimpse of thought came dawn at me: “How seamless time can be. Is this how seamless (the boundary of) our life and death will be? What will I feel when the transition (from life to death) coming?” Just how seamless time can be. Just how brief life will be. But these will bring consequences, either bliss or misery, to which I have no chance of returning. How foolish are we to often neglect the fact that our time can come seamlessly as well? Without any prior notice or even asking whether we are ready to leave. Hence, smart persons are those who are preparing their time at every second. Kuala Lumpur, 03 April 2022 Chamber No. 4

Bagaimana Mencari Pertolongan Allah?

Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim Tidak ada yang kebetulan di dunia ini. Semua kejadian, sekecil apapun, adalah bagian dari takdir Allah. Cara Allah mengajari, mengingatkan, memberikan petunjuk kepada hamba-hamba-Nya. Nyadar gak sih? Seringkali Allah dekatkan kita pada sumber-sumber cahaya/ petunjuk khususnya ketika kita memohon petunjuk dari-Nya. Memohon didekatkan kepada-Nya. Apapun sesuai kebutuhan kita. Skill atau ilmu atau reminder yang kita butuhkan untuk menghadapi ujian yang sedang kita jalani. Salah satunya adalah video ini. Udah lama banget ada di "Watch Later" (exactly 2 tahun lalu, masyaAllah - 9 Jan 2020), tapi qadarullah, baru hari ini ditonton sebagai teman makan siang. Anw, langsung aja ke point take-away ya: A. Dua tipe orang yang akan menolak petunjuk dari Allah (untuk memperbaiki diri): 1. Ujub 2. Sombong Orang yang memiliki salah satu atau kedua sifat tersebut akan sibuk mencari alasan instead of muhasabah dan memperbaiki diri. B. Cara-cara yang bisa kita lakuka...