
Showing posts from February, 2018

Islam, Peace and Hope [2]

THE NEED OF GUIDANCE Human needs guidance. A set of rules governing the everyday life which influences ANY decision we make. In Islam, it (supposed to be) clear that Al-Qur’an and Sunnah is our PRIMARY manual. However, that’s not the case when religion only applied to private affairs. Back then, I was using a set of list of “lessons-learned” from my past experience and common sense to navigate my life. I truly believed that everything happened in our life was meant to teach us something, thus I gathered my own life principles through trial-and-error kind of way. I always have this kind of question since my early adolescence: what combination of characters will be best for me as a human-being? I was kind of want to try numerous roles and things to get this outcome. How folly ambitious I was? HAHA. But then, I realize two things: TIME CONSTRAINT. We don’t live forever, do we? How would you try all (or most of) roles and learn all the paths just to find the perfect...

Islam, Peace, and Hope [1]

Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim “Indeed there is in the body a piece of flesh which if it is sound then the whole body is sound, and if it is corrupt then the whole body is corrupt. Indeed, it is the heart.” (Al-Bukhari & Muslim) THE IMPORTANCE OF AQIDAH Growing up as a Muslim doesn’t guarantee that you’ll grow up as a true believer. At least, that’s what I felt for most part of my life. Religion has been rooted in our society for so long that it is then (sadly) easily treated merely as one of building element in our culture. A guidance that supposed to govern all spheres in our lives, now has turned into ritualistic routines with barely heart attachment to it. We do shalat, zakah (mostly fitrah only?), and fasting solely to discharge obligation in order to avoid Hellfire or to conform with the norm (?). We neglect the basic question of whether we truly believe that Hellfire exists? Or to the deeper question of whether God exist? If it does, who is God? What is His...


Pas mau tidur, tetiba kepikiran nama buat calon sekolah atau gerakan pendidikan atau apapun lah nanti yang mau ku bikin (Insyaa Allah) yaitu: EduCare Educate yourself, caring for others Filosofinya sih, berilmu sebelum beramal. Berilmu sebelum menebar manfaat. Di jaman now ini, banyak banget orang yang gak menguasai suatu bidang tapi asal berceloteh dan beropini aja gitu, tanpa ilmu. Ini bahaya! Bukannya ini jaman demokrasi ya? Dimana semua orang bebas berpendapat? Yes, it's true. Tapi kita seringkali lupa bahwa setiap hal yang kita lakukan (be it pendapat atau tindakan) akan membawa konsekuensi, mulai dari sesederhana mengeruhkan suasana, menyakiti hati, menggiring opini, atau bahkan bisa membawa akibat yang jauh lebih serius dan mempengaruhi hajat hidup orang banyak. For that reason, I believe it is important to educate yourself to, at least, discharge the harm we may carry, whether it is intentionally or unintentionally, through our words, behaviours, or any p...