
Showing posts from November, 2015

Headscarf, why NOT?

Banyak orang yang bertanya, “Kenapa kamu akhirnya memutuskan untuk berkerudung?” Kenapa ga dibalik jadi: “Kamu muslim kan? Kenapa tidak berkerudung?” Dan kebanyakan orang akan menjawab, “Belum siap” untuk pertanyaan yang kedua. KLISE. I used to hide behind that excuse too. My first reason to put on headscarf might not be a noble one. But I finally came to understand something very simple that kept pulling me away from wearing headscarf and be a true muslim: the idea of perfection. I’d write it in my perspective ya and this would corresponds to question no.2 with “belum siap” as their answer. Another reasons won’t be covered here. I used to have this in mind, “I will cover myself when I am ready.” And when is that? You must be questioning. That would be the day when I feel I have perfected my religion, my faith to Allah, be someone that wont be a stain on Islam, well, or at least wait until I could maintain my prayers. Nothing wrong with that reason o...